I was scanning the vast wasteland of TV for something remotely interesting yesterday when a Rodger Daltry interview flickered onscreen. He looked fairly good for an old rocker from the Who. He was talking about the internet and music and how they related. He said the internet was full of information but was soulless. It seems to me the internet has as much soul as the people putting content into it.
I have been exposed to many unique bits of news, information and weirdness I never would have known about if not for the internet.
It is so easy to scan the local papers and keep up in today’s zooming times. For instance a former workmate of mine is in trouble again…for shame! http://www.heraldnet.com/article/20090222/NEWS01/702229930&news01ad=1#Trouble.finds.Shawna.Forde
And a friend sent me this disturbing although somewhat funny tidbit today. http://www.divinecaroline.com/article/22116/67669
And what about the Ukrainian fighting women, what about THEM! http://www.divinecaroline.com/article/22360/65946-tribe-ukrainian-fighting--pics-?CMP=ILC-MoreFromWdgt
So I have to disagree, I think the internet has a lot of souls putting sounds and words and images of wondrous content out there on public display for all of us. And of course this content is FREE for the most part, unlike Rodger Daltry’s commercially soulful contributions to the art world.
For the first time maybe in the history of the world the little man can speak what he really cares about to the masses. The accounts are free and the possibilities are as endless as the most vibrant person’s imagination. I call that the new definition of soul!
Now do you want to make a tattoo gun in five minutes? http://www.5min.com/Video/Tatoo-Gun-Homemade-In-5-Minutes-10429
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