Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Customer Service

Nothing feels better than to really harangue someone working in customer service or dealing with customers, making minimum wage or close to it, especially during the holidays.
It is like walking up to a sleeping wino, and punching them in the face, and then saying “HA I sure showed you”! And then of course describing in intimate detail, to all your friends, about how you had gotten into a fight and really beat some serious ass.

It relieves stress and makes you feel better than them, and bigger too, doesn’t it? This modern phenomenon is nowhere more clearly displayed than all the digital diatribes I routinely digest on our vast wasteland of the wild, wild, west of the World Wide Web.

People get very brave when carrying a gun against someone unarmed, or someone on the web, or someone on a telephone or maybe in a car if you don’t think they can get to you, face-to-face. When mano-a-mano, and not in a bar, most people still act fairly civil.

My wife called customer service at Amazon the day after Christmas and I told her “honey, leave those poor underpaid bastards alone”! Can you imagine anything worse than manning the return counter after Christmas?

We used to have a saying in the restaurant business “the customer is rude and stupid”. What it means in essence is when these overweight self-important, red-faced imbeciles are screaming at you, about some tiny thing you have no control over, they really aren’t mad at you, they are mad at life. They are screaming into the wind about their exalted Christmas that didn’t live up to their sky high expectations. Instead of getting the big present they hoped for, they got the medium present they never wanted. They are ready to burst at the seams with bile. Or maybe it just snowed like hell and they have a sore throat and cough now, (me). Anyway, they feel safe, even justified somehow, taking it out on the poor customer service/whipping post person. They threaten to “take their business elsewhere”.

By the way, when working at a retail establishment years ago, when someone demanded for detailed information, when we were manning a register, with customers standing ready to pay 10 deep, they would say “give me someone who knows what they are talking about”, we would say, “certainly sir”, then just set the phone down. When asked later who was on the phone, we would say “he is waiting for someone who knows what they are talking about”, then we would all laugh. One thing about those kind of jobs, you can have 10 of them tomorrow if you are so inclined.

This whole thing is even crazier because in most cases we have no real choices anyway. Sears or Wall Mart, is that a choice? Verizon or Comcast? Then of course there are things like the garbage pick-up monopoly, the PSE monopoly, the Microsoft monopoly. Is there any difference between Airbus and Boeing, I mean really?

But people have to let off steam somehow I guess, and screaming at people who have the misfortune to not be able to do any better than working in a call center during the holidays, is one way. Really showing them who’s boss, teaching them a lesson, getting your monies’ worth, is better than dressing up like Santa and shooting people. A little better.

Written somewhat in response to my friend:

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Snowy Christmas

AHhhh the snow, I am so very tired of it.

My wife wanted snow, she got snow.

My dog is crazy for the snow, although it has gotten too deep now even for her. Oddly, we have more snow here in town in Duvall this year than anywhere else I have seen this year.

We from the Seattle area have seen the old pictures of Seattle at around 1920 and the snow was three feet deep and we wondered why it didn’t do that anymore? Global warming? Weather cycles?

As a kid it seemed that we got fairly deep snow almost every year to make a snowman. Of course I was smaller, and it probably seemed deeper. I do also remember one Christmas as a grade-schooler that was bright and sunny and warm. I preferred the snow back then of course.
One of the longest winters I remember was 1969, the big Boeing layoff, my father was laid off I think six months. He played cards, solitaire, everyday, all morning long, I got tired of watching him. This was when they put up billboards, “will the last person leaving Seattle please turn off the lights”? We had compacted ice on our street for a month.

One time in high school, driving a 1965 Impala, I turned a corner on the way to school and slid into someone’s front yard. I went right up to their front door, at first I laughed and then thought…O SHIT, what if they come out,…amazingly, I was able to back out and continue and it seemed funny again.

Also in high school, driving the same road, I came up to a stop sign on a hill. I had to stop and then just sat and spun. I wanted to back down but my back window was covered with ice. So I got out with a scraper and as I shut the door the vibration broke the tenuous purchase the tires had on the ice. The car started sliding backyard downhill without me in it, the tires didn’t even turn! YIKE! As I chased the car downhill I fell down. Thank goodness no one else was on the road.

Living here now, on a hill, the kids always sled down the hill and make conditions worse than necessary. There have been several cars and four-wheel drive trucks stuck here within one block of the house. Two were stuck right across from our driveway. Things could be far worse though, we could all have no electricity.

Right now it is hard to drive around town because they have so many signs barricading with “road closed” it is like going through a maze to get to the local grocery store. We were going to have people over for Christmas Eve tonight. My mother in Kirkland can’t make it and we decided to go over there, but that seems silly right now. Lisa’s parents on Big Rock Road seem a couple states away.

I have noticed the last couple of years the very worst day of the year to drive, is in fact Christmas Eve. It used to be New Years Eve, because everyone would be so drunk and it was so late. The state and police have advertised against that so much almost no one does it anymore, it is verbotten. Christmas Eve, however, everyone feels obligated to go out and drive, and they don’t want to, so they are pissed off, and drunk as well. They are very angry drivers for sure and on top of it all they have snow this year. So I expect today to be really, really bad. All kinds of people will drive who haven’t driven the last few days. They will kill themselves for Christmas.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

In This Economy

One phrase/thing I am getting really tired of hearing already is this: “In this economy”. It is the new great buzz-phrase and people just can’t say it enough. On a sports talk show today they said the NFL had laid off 10% of their people, some 120 folks. One person said why? They other answered well “in this economy”…blah blah…

I was thinking, why in hell does the NFL need 1200 people!? Anyway it seems the thing now is to look for a reason, any reason, a catch phrase of some kind, to screw over your fellow man like you always wanted to do anyway, but were afraid of the bad public relations.

When we had “frost in Florida” they jacked up price on all the tomatoes and produce…even though it comes from Mexico. With gas high as the sky last summer they went to profit town on everything, because somehow, someway, everything is tied to “gas price”.

Bush’s word was “terrorism”. He would find something he wanted to do anyway, and then just say terrorism a bunch of times and go. Like this; “terrorism, terrorism, terrorism, I am going to take your civil rights, terrorism, terrorism”. Amazingly, it actually worked!! The worst president since Herbert Hoover, got his country destroying, tantrum way. Remember this one? “terrorism, terrorism, terrorism, I think I will invade Iraq just for the hell of it and bankrupt our country, terrorism, terrorism”.

So now any employer who really wanted to cut his employee’s throats says this;“in this economy” and away we go. Of course you can’t have a Christmas bonus “in this economy” and you wouldn’t dare ask for a raise “in this economy”. The Sam Waltons of the world love saying “we have to buy everything we sell from China in this economy”….

People that watch a lot of TV seem to be prone to the buzz word sickness more than most. They seem to hypnotized by the daily disaster doses on FOX and CNN to the point they no longer think clearly. Just like driving a car and not remembering clearly every turn along the way it is a form of hypnosis apparently

Companies like Bxxxxx who want to punish their hourly workers say “in this economy we can’t afford to buy food for holiday celebrations so they must all be approved at the director level”. Meanwhile corpulent office workers go to the Bxxxxx boxes at a Silvertips game and blow $2000 for one party. It all makes sense somehow.

All over town fathers are telling their expectant children “honey, in this economy we shouldn’t put up lights this year”. Tightwads around the world rejoice about the endless possibilities this economy presents them.

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Thursday, November 27, 2008

Mumbai Massacre: Ruins Thanksgiving in Seattle

I am very busy lately, this holiday season, like most. I am working full time and also attending school. I had a job interview yesterday and today I have to put up a curtain rod thing before guests arrive for Thanksgiving dinner, do some reading for school and sometime this weekend I need to get a paper done. I have the Lions/Titans game on the radio, and am drinking coffee at my computer, a typical Holiday morning. So I click on the Seattle Times link and am SHOCKED to see in their infinite editorial wisdom they have some yahoos in India running around with rifles and building burning, and the news medias’ favorite word Terrorism on the front page.

So I read a bit thinking ‘well this must have something to do with me or it wouldn’t be there”, but it does not. Other than a mentioned feeling, that because some programmers at Microsoft came from India, there is no connection whatever to me and mine or this area. I am here to tell you that irritates me. I thought this paper was the “Seattle Times” not the “World Terrorism Watch” or the “Disaster News”. Pulling this wrong-headed stunt today, on a holiday the Seattle Times is their dupe, their scary news whore and it saddens me.
Apparently the Times thing is going for shock value.

Apparently, the Times can’t come up with a story people would want to read. Apparently, the Times have no writers that can write, about this area, on this holiday weekend. Apparently, they are just knee jerk hacks that publish anything someone else gives them with no ability to produce original, content of their own that has something to do with Seattle, on Thanksgiving.
I don’t have any problem with it being in the paper. But if all they are is a newsprint version of disaster TV channel CNN, and they feel to get on the front page, it has to be about killing, they have nothing to offer me as a reader. It should be noted here the number two story is the “South Center Mall Shooter”!!

Jesus H!@

Anyway Times, since you are clearly struggling, let me help you. Here is my idea, it will massively get you in the news, and you might even be able to charge people for on-line subscriptions. Just as you already have a sports section, a local section, religion or whatever you can now have a section called: BLOOD AND GORE.

You can name it whatever you want SHOOTINGS AND SHOOTERS, DEAD PEOPLE, TERROISM TIMES. This would be where you would put stories like the India massacre on the front page today. You could publish full color foldouts of death and violence. In addition things like photos of horrific car crashes that are still published in South American newspapers could be reinstituted. You could have celebrity autopsy photos, and all manner of blood and death. There clearly is a market for this, why not mine it?

Mumbai Terror: Cancels Seattle Thanksgiving

I am very busy lately, this holiday season, like most. I am working full time and also attending school. I had a job interview yesterday and today I have to put up a curtain rod thing before guests arrive for Thanksgiving dinner, do some reading for school and sometime this weekend I need to get a paper done. I have the Lions/Titans game on the radio, and am drinking coffee at my computer, a typical Holiday morning. So I click on the Seattle Times link and am SHOCKED to see in their infinite editorial wisdom they have some yahoos in India running around with rifles and building burning, and the news medias’ favorite word Terrorism on the front page.

So I read a bit thinking ‘well this must have something to do with me or it wouldn’t be there”, but it does not. Other than a mentioned feeling, that because some programmers at Microsoft came from India, there is no connection whatever to me and mine or this area. I am here to tell you that irritates me. I thought this paper was the “Seattle Times” not the “World Terrorism Watch” or the “Disaster News”. Pulling this wrong-headed stunt today, on a holiday, the Seattle Times is their dupe, their scary news whore and it saddens me.

Apparently the Times thing is going for shock value.

Apparently, the Times can’t come up with a story people would want to read. Apparently, the Times have no writers that can write, about this area, on this holiday weekend. Apparently, they are just knee jerk hacks that publish anything someone else gives them with no ability to produce original, content of their own that has something to do with Seattle, on Thanksgiving.
I don’t have any problem with it being in the paper. But if all they are is a newsprint version of disaster TV channel CNN, and they feel to get on the front page, it has to be about killing, they have nothing to offer me as a reader. It should be noted here the number two story is the “South Center Mall Shooter”!! Amazingly, the third story down I s about a 18karat gold bookmark stolen from an auction house in Madrid in 2002 by a Romanian and his arrest in Bellevue.

Jesus H!@

Anyway Times, since you are clearly struggling, let me help you. Here is my idea, it will massively get you in the news, and you might even be able to charge people for on-line subscriptions. Just as you already have a sports section, a local section, religion or whatever you can now have a section called: BLOOD AND GORE.

You can name it whatever you want SHOOTINGS AND SHOOTERS, DEAD PEOPLE, TERROISM TIMES. This would be where you would put stories like the India massacre on the front page today. You could publish full color foldouts of death and violence. In addition things like photos of horrific car crashes that are still published in South American newspapers could be reinstituted. You could have celebrity autopsy photos, and all manner of blood and death. There clearly is a market for this, why not mine it?

Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Neocons

There are many definitions of Neo-cons and Neo-conservatism. Some think it is a movement started by Irving Kristol, father of the commentator William Kristol, and founder of the Project for the New American Century. Kristol also seems to have coined the term, saying that neo-cons were “liberals mugged by reality”. Others feel it is a reactionary movement to the liberalism of the 60’s. Most feel it was kicked off in the early 70’s and features a traditional conservative approach on social issues; such as limiting welfare and affirming individualism, promoting traditional moral standards, being anti communist, and having a vigorous interventionist foreign policy designed to push American ideas and ideals around the globe.

Many parts of this are traditional values from Barry Goldwater but there are two main diversions. One is the new interventionist philosophy of foreign policy. This was basically spoon fed to George W Bush from the likes of advisors such as Paul Wolfowitz and has become known as the “Bush Doctrine”. Since it is so central to the modern Neocons’ basic plank there is little wonder so many were upset Sarah Palin had no idea what it was when recently interviewed.

The National Security Strategy, published on September 20, 2002, is often quoted as the basis for this as the core to the Bush Doctrine, these four main points: Preemption, Military Primacy, New Multilateralism, and the Spread of Democracy. This policy made a certain amount of sense in Afghanistan since Osama Bin Laden was headquartered and supported their by the ruling regime.

In Iraq however, it has been an unmitigated disaster mainly due to the tremendous cost. The human cost is of course mind-numbing and hard to calculate. Many analysts around the world have spoken of how America has lost a certain “moral high ground” that it seemed to defend in the past. Who would have thought America would be known as a torturer nation and ignorer of the Geneva Convention strictures? Who foresaw special code words like “rendition” would be developed to mean we were shirking international human rights? Most citizens of the world feel George Bush is a war criminal, and many feel he should be arrested and put on trial similarly to Taiwan’s President Chen Shui-bian and if convicted imprisoned.
The other cost is of course financial. It is clear the US economy is simply not robust enough to pay for the Neocons’ gargantuan spending spree. This is the other way in which Neocons differ from the old school Pat Buchanan and Barry Goldwater Republicans. There is no concern whatsoever in the former Ronald Regan or current George Bush encampments to pay our bills. This new political agenda of the Neocons, to balance the budget by borrowing, to spend way beyond the nation’s means is not sustainable.

This is a very fundamental, basic shift in thinking, about what it means to be a conservative and which political party is the real conservative when it comes to fiscal management.
The Republicans, long a party to not care about the future of the environment for our children, now also have become a party to not care about the future of America’s finances or ability to pay its bills.

What a change from conservative to neocon.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Obama pulls it off!

Well Obama did it. My wife Lisa and I were in San Francisco and November 4th was a very memorable night, it was something I will never forget. We were staying in a hotel near Union Square (aptly named for public demonstrations during the Civil War), and the people there just went completely nutso!

She was down on business and I was maximo-turista; I had walked and walked that day, clear down to the waterfront, and then up the stairs to Coit Tower, down to China Town and back. We were both exhausted. We took a nap and I had gotten reservations to a restaurant called Michael Mina’s, which is supposedly the best restaurant in San Francisco as rated by Michelin and others.

We walked up to the St. Francis Westin where the restaurant was and we could see people gathering. The bar was packed and CNN was on the election results. We paused a moment to watch and a dude jumped up and came over to tell me I was blocking his view. So we went up and were seated in the restaurant and had a fabulous dinner experience, (more on that later). I was seated looking out the window to Union Square and Lisa was looking on the restaurant. Periodically, during dinner a roar of cheers broke out from the hotel bars. I mentioned to Lisa that curiously, a big group of people were milling around in the square, then a line of police cars.
I thought; what the hell, is this all about the election? Lisa was like a little kid with the biggest grin on her face. The odd couple seated next to us (apparently on an internet date), were talking politics loudly. As we left just walking down the stairs from the restaurant to the lobby people were streaming in dressed in Halloween type costumes, yelling, screaming and laughing! It was just so crazy. Now the main lobby bar had about 1000 people in it and you could hardly get through, the hotel staff were unsure what to do, they didn’t want a riot breaking out.

Going out the door to Union Square it was packed with people, all the sidewalks were jammed with people just standing there not walking. People were ripping off their shirts and waving them running through the intersections. People were hopping up and down screaming OBAMA! And the crowd would cheer YEAH back! Cars were honking their horns in time to the chants.
There have only been a few times in my life when people seemed so connected and together, all the various and sundry disparate elements pulled together for a moment in time. Later, I thought of these times in my own life:

  • Kennedy’s assassination, I really remember the funeral procession on TV in black and white as a kid, with the horse drawn hearse and the horse being led with no rider.

  • The arrival of the Beatles, I was at a cousin’s house and people came running over from next door screaming “you have to come over and see this, there are guys on TV singing and their hair is long like girls”! On the Ed Sullivan show.

  • Landing on the moon, everyone held their breath. (whether it was faked or not).
    The first time the 747 flew, people ran outdoors to stare and point, it was just way too big and slow to stay in the air, truly it slipped the brain gears.

  • Leaving Viet Nam in 1975, what the hell happened?

  • Nixon resigning (a collected sigh of relief).

  • The Sonics winning their championship in 1979, now I know how people can get trampled in crowds like that, it was actually scary, moving down the street without moving your legs like being in a river of human flesh.

  • The start of the first Gulf War. People put huge American flags, on their huge Ford pickups, and stormed down the street honking their horns.

  • 911, of course.

  • And now this

I realize that in other areas the reception was most likely much different, like Texas for instance. So I was glad I was where I was, to see and enjoy the moment, because their just isn’t many of these kinds of moments that happen in any one person’s life.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Apple goes McCain on us:

In the current political climate with the elections coming to a close in six days the negativity is oppressive. I really think that is one reason McCain is so far behind Obama. Even running against a black guy with a Muslim sounding name, McCain cannot speak to his ideas and programs, or gain any traction whatsoever, he can only attack with perceived negatives about Obama. This makes him seem small and mean spirited, and older and feebler than he really is, and that is hard to do.
Amazingly, the local Seattle/Eastside campaigns are worse, especially the one between Burner and Reichart and the Governor’s race between Rossi and Gregoire. It is so negative and depressing it makes it hard to watch TV at all. Who wants to be bombarded by such a downer? It is like standing there naked and being pelted with cold, wet, washrags! HA!
Now Apple computer has decided this is the way for them to go too. They apparently have nothing to offer the consumer other than they are not Vista. Their multi-million dollar campaign explains nothing they have to offer or put forward to help someone to compute. Microsoft’s campaign shows they are worldwide and looking to the future I guess Apple can’t really do that so they go negative. Karl Rove has proven certainly that the negative approach does work with some people.
Next I guess we will have Dove soap loudly proclaim “well at least we aren’t Dial”, or Ford pickups say “It could be worse than us, you could own a Dodge”. What a wonderful world we live in where one product spends millions to try and claim the territory of being the least of two evils instead of explaining what it will do to help us live our lives.

The Boeing Strike (September 6, 2008 till...)

I am disappointed with both sides in the current labor dispute; with Boeing and their “negotiation team” being so arrogant, wrong-headed, and self absorbed; and with the Union, for not being more media aggressive about the future of union jobs and the strategic planning within the company itself.First off, the whole wrongly conceived notion that hourly union workers don’t care about the company, are greedy and lazy, and want to bleed the company dry is nonsense. Many hourly employees there are from families of generations of Boeing workers. As for myself, both my mother and father worked there when they first came to Seattle. In actuality, these people care about the long term viability and competitiveness of Boeing far more than Johnny-come-lately carpetbaggers like Jim McNerney the C.E.O, and others in management who are looking at short term stock price, their next outlandish bonus, and the golden parachute outta-here as the prime drivers in decision making!

The average age of hourly/union employees is somewhere around 47 years old and most have many years of seniority and a pension to try and protect. Most are also either from this area or have settled here and have a great deal of loyalty to the company and to the area. The truth is WE the union members are the true Boeing, not a handful of upper management mercenaries.Through reading all the various comments and blogs where people who are on the outside, looking in, and don’t really understand the issues one thing becomes clear. Many people think that hourly workers should be happy to just have a job, any job. They should be just happy to have a check, any check. They should never speak out about how their company is run or mismanaged. Even if they have worked there for many, many years and own stock in the company. They should work themselves to death and die in the traces, and never, ever, speak out, or horror of horrors, go on strike.

Where this cowardly, daddy-knows-best attitude came from floors me, it seems to be a talking point from the Republican convention. They say we have a bad economy now, so we should be happy with anything, well guess what? The fifties are not coming back. People in this country need to start questioning and questioning hard these management people, and politicians that are selling our country down the river for short term gain.

At the start of the negotiation process the Boeing management team started demanded numerous and significant takeaways from previous contracts, now why would they do that? Having just sold a used car recently, I know when someone really low balls you from the start it makes a person angry; it shows an attitude of disrespect. This approach says that you think the other person in the negotiation is desperate, or dumb, or both and you want to take advantage of them in an unethical way, kicking them in the teeth when they are down. Everyone knows this, it is a universal understanding, so why… (Assuming you wanted to sign a contract and go to work), would you start out this way? It is an antagonistic mean-spirited slant at the very beginning of talks.

The Boeing Company has a huge backlog of orders, has money in the bank and is doing very well in most areas; the Machinists are clearly doing their job and holding up their end. Airbus realizes they can’t currently compete with Boeing looking at the Dollar/Euro exchange rate and are in fact trying to move significant production to the US where costs for experienced, educated workers are cheaper. So when Boeing says they can’t afford to pay the current wages they are lying and everyone who can read knows this. Boeing’s only real thorny issues are the 767 tanker bid and the 787 production delays, which have nothing to do with unions, or wages in the Puget Sound.These two issues in fact have to do with monumental failures from Boeing’s upper management.

The tanker military bid was side-railed by yet another example of unethical behavior by Boeing upper management, something they have a long and well established reputation for. Both of the last two C.E.O’s before the current problem child arrived were involved in ethics scandals and were fired. The 787 has been a failure in scheduling and delivery of historical proportions, being the most costly decision making error in the 86 year history of the Boeing Company, this is mainly due to the holy grail of off-loading. In the past many, many management screw-ups could be fixed by abusing the employees with forced overtime. In this case this isn’t possible and the result is the current fiasco. The Air Force tanker program with spare parts and modifications is considered to be worth 100 billion dollars. The 787 not being able to fly, due to a Pollyanna supply chain strung all over the world, is also costing billions in lost stock price and plane deliveries.

Just think what a hit that plane would have been flying through the sky during the last fuel crisis! Think of where the BA stock would be with one of those planes taking off every few days! Of course the fact that Boeing off-loaded so much of the 787 just helped Airbus in their quest for the tanker, arguing that it was a viable business model. The true cost of off-loading isn’t just losing jobs for the United States and giving the competition training and technology, also lost is program security and as Boeing has learned very dearly….basic control of your programs.When will the 787 fly?

Who knows..McNerney states the program is not “leading edge but bleeding edge”, meaning the program will bleed billions of dollars until sometime way down the road supposedly, it breaks even. This money, this lost profit, will never be recouped regardless of his pie-in-the-sky, off load at any cost philosophy. He just needs to be gotten rid of, if anything begs to be off-loaded at Boeing it is the top management, where is the accountability!? His ideas have proven to be abject failures, just as his baseball team mate at Yale, George Bush’s plans have proven beyond any doubt to be catastrophes. We need to cut the apron strings with this type of divisive, short thinking leadership.

In this regard the machinists union should go on the offensive taking out full page ads in the Wall Street Journal, titled “OFFLOADING: a failed aerospace nightmare”. Details should be published about the amount of lost revenue this offloading maelstrom has caused and then compared to how much the wages and benefits package that Boeing says it cannot afford measures up. Also head to head comparisons should be given comparing the number and wages of mechanics at Airbus and the same comparisons for management numbers, tiers/layers of management, and compensation. We all know Boeing doesn’t want that laundry aired. If Boeing really wants to be competitive let’s look at the big expense hitters first and foremost, let’s not step over a $20 bill to pick up a nickel.Instead of always speaking about how certain new initiatives will save money let’s look at how much they cost and compare.

The public has been so brainwashed into thinking off-loading saves money they think it is inevitable, it is not. The simple fact is US workers are not paid the highest in the world. Our economy has been crap for thirty years and the dollar is in the toilet. When looking at huge transportation costs, training, language barriers and so on Boeing’s hourly workforce is a sensible bargain. Since employee turnover is almost non-existent the workforce is very experienced and professional.

Lastly, let me speak about unionization. I had assumed during this current labor dispute it would be the new people that had only a year or two at work that would be afraid to go out. Most of them only make about $14 dollars an hour, which doesn’t allow much for saving money. I spoke to one woman who said, “hey, you don’t understand, I have two kids and am a single mother I am at poverty level”. In addition there are other groups not used to being in unions; hyphenated-Americans from many places like Asia, I wondered how they would react. As it turned out it was these new people who were the angriest at Boeing’s machinations.

Boeing has spent a great deal of time and money to change people’s “attitudes” at work. One recent program was called “Investment in Excellence”, designed by Lou Tice of the Pacific Institute. This program was for four days on the clock and it was designed to change the “attitudes” of people. Boeing is so concerned with this whole “attitude” thing that on the 787 they wanted all new, inexperienced people with new fresh outlooks who wouldn’t be poisoned with old-school ideas of people like me.Of course that is another reason yet why the program is so mind-blowingly behind schedule. The point is Boeing took these new fresh minds, this new fresh clay, and in a very short time with the multiplier effect of out-of-touch management molded them into militant, angry, striking workers! Truly amazing! Posts

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Ton Ten Things I Hate

The Top-Ten list of things I Hate…..

1. Huge four wheel drive tucks for commuting: Nothing says “god I am afraid of being perceived as non-masculine” like driving around an enormous gas sucking monster to merely haul your beer-belly ass to work. Bonus demerits for duallies, quad cab with long beds (the 35 footers), and super high wind-shear rigs. They should all have bumper stickers that say “every time I romp on the gas I kill another Marine”. As long as these idiots, who never haul anything, never tow anything, drive these abortions to work every day the price of gas is way too low.

2. Little pregnant dresses for chicks: I am sure you have seen them; women wear them as shirts/tops, often over jeans. The bodice is tight and then they poof out little small dresses for obese girls. I cannot figure out the attraction for any woman to ever wear one. All they do is look unflattering and make even a skinny girl look overweight. I can only assume these hideous apparitions are “comfortable” any time something astoundingly inappropriate (such as grey sweat pants) are worn in public it is announced “they are comfortable”. Of course this is just another way of stating “I am lazy”. I don’t mow my yard because it is “more comfortable”. Similar in way to how older women cut their hair Prince Valiant/Dyke short and then announce, “It is easy to care for”.

3. Costco: Yes, I realize if you are running an orphanage they have cheaper food. If you want to wander around the aisles dodging carts the size of Fiats and then wait in lines the length of a Disneyland holiday weekend nightmare, this is your baby. You can take your huge four-wheel drive and burn your five-dollar a gallon gas to go into town and fight through this mess to save small prices, how grand. People get there before the store opens on Saturday anticipating the crushing rush. The membership card is the final insult to injury. (Yes this is tongue in cheek, since I don’t shop there it has little affect on me).

4. Republicans that still support Bush: It is one of the funniest things I have ever seen to watch these tunnel-vision morons try vainly to say Bush was still a good president, that he was “good for the country”. Some have even said they wished they could vote for him again. The most amusing is he has screwed these people the hardest, (see 1). The damage that Bush has done is irreparable; no one will ever again trust the United State’s motives. He hasn’t just destroyed the US economy but our perception in the world as a leader, a country that was on the moral high ground. Can we say we are any better than the USSR or Communist China in regards to human rights? Imprisoning people, executions, people arrested without charges, and torture? No, not any more.

5. Applelites: These are the strange birds that have somehow been brainwashed to believe that their lives should be devoted to turning every person they meet into Apple computer zombies. They spread the word like electronic “Johnny Appleseed’s”, screaming about new Apple products, or the Apple store or some damn Apple thing ad-naseum. In trying to think of a comparison it is difficult. Mormons come to mind but their conversions are all about money and power. Amway comes to mind but that is money again. Possibly Vegans are a good comparison. Militant fucks out to meddle and change the world to their twisted view because they are so lonely, bored and unhappy. Applelites constantly cite statistics about their increasing share. This is only for the US; the rest of the world sees no point in paying triple-price to join the Apple Elite.

6. Wallmart: Wallmart is lionized in most business papers for their innovative business techniques. This is like praising Hitler for modernizing Germany. Wallmart represents and maximizes everything bad about American business; offloading, cheapness, screwing their employees, destroying small business, hiring illegal workers, disobeying labor laws, nothing is too low or underhanded for the Wallmart billionaires, the Walton’s, America’s new robber barons. They literally have no redeeming qualities whatsoever. Sadly, many people are forced to shop there. Once they drive out of business all the businesses that historically served many small towns, nothing is left. They are the maggots of retail.

7. People supporting illegal Mexicans/Immigrants: These people say that if they were not here no one would do the work they do. This is both dumb and racist. It says basically these Mexicans will also gleefully do the menial labor jobs never aspiring to move up the socio-economic ladder, nonsense. America is already overcrowded and having a huge wave of illegal workers to drive down wages helps no one but the already wealthy, the Wallmarts, and people who want to use and abuse these workers who have no legal recourse for fighting labor abuses.

8. One issue voters: These wunderkinds have ruined the middleclass of the United States of America. For the privilege of being against abortions and supporting the NRA they elect snobbish oil whores like Georgie “Herbert Hoover” Bush; who has bankrupted the US, made us much less safe, convinced the rest of the world to despise us, and of course enabled even China to openly laugh at us if we bring up human rights ever again. How did it get to this? That people can’t realize what is really important to them and their families…the bread and butter issues? They have been brainwashed by special interest groups and thankfully the Catholic Church leads the charge into their own special stupid hateful tiny world.

9. The Catholic Church: Easily, hands down, the single most evil institution in the history of the world. You might say what about the Nazis? They only lasted about eight years and killed off a few million. The Roman Empire? They only lasted 1000 years and did provide some good influences in law, engineering etc. The Catholic Church is 2000 years old and still making people miserable all around the world today. They have been responsible for the torture and murder of entire nations, entire genetic ethnic groups gone, because of them. When having the historical opportunities to stand up against despots like Hitler, they climb in bed with them instead, and always have. When they ran Europe for 1000 years it was known as the “dark ages” due to their never ending battle against knowledge, science and art. They are the bottom of the bottom, their meanness and combativeness has been responsible for many, many of the worlds wars sice their inception.

10. The Police: It is very hard to tell what the police forces of the US think their true purpose is but it is certainly not to serve and protect the public. It seems to be collecting revenue and solidifying their power base. They brag about driving up the price of street drugs which we all know just increases violent crime. Certain religious groups being militant by nature, such as the Mormons, are taking over certain branches of the state police such as the FBI. How does this help us? It doesn’t. What a bizarre state of affairs and yet we cannot do anything against them or we will be cutting the publics safety and be deemed unpatriotic to boot!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Applelites Screaming into the Wind

I didn’t go to work today…DAMN! We had a skiff of snow here in the Puget Sound region and people love to freak around here and blow things totally out of proportion. It has become a cultural phenomenon in this area.People, especially women, just scream at the sight of snow. Of course much of it is contrived nonsense to avoid work and that is fine with me. These women at work just wind each other into a frenzy about it. Two of them drive Jeep Wagoneers that could ford a river but can they cut through two inches of snow? EEEeeeeekkkkk!!! It is funny to watch the progression. First there is the warning OH JEEZ IT’S STIIIICCKKKING !!! We better leave right NOW!

So I was leaving and got about a block and was dead stopped, I turned around and went back to work and worked on an on-line assignment that is coming due and killed two hours. The ironic thing is if I had left when I did at first I think I would have gotten home the same time. I also heard that the road I was on at first was closed and everyone had to turn around, so I feel like I bingoed that deal.My operations manager called and was asking me leading questions like “uh…do you think UPS will be driving today…(pregnant pause, me thinking…). I reply “oh HELL NO! those…brown… vans? With no weight in the back? Not a prayer”,and poured another cup of coffee.

Having the day off today e-mailing and relaxing for the most part I have a little apple/monkey carrying on about apple and how it is the single greatest company ever. He is on the apple computer acid trip of course but also the ipod and phone and any other fucking abomination they churn out. He is totally eaten up with the disease. He even said he watched a two hour Steve Jobs conference, most likely squinting at that ¾” ipod screen like a madman.There again, fine!? Who cares? Well he does.

Just to own it and use it has never been quite enough for the appleites.The thing about Apple computers is I have no problem with them, never have, never will. They have not hurt me in any way and they won’t because I won’t let them. HA! They are just another tool to get your hands on. I have fiddled with them a bit and they seem fine as far as they go. The Jehovah’s Witness Church and Vegan’s are fine too, just leave me out of your little personal hell.Why shouldn’t I try it? Well besides no desire, I am invested in Windows. I don’t have hundreds of dollars in software and add-ons it is thousands. It isn’t all legally upstanding stuff but it is here ready willing and able to amuse me. I also like sticking with things. There is comfort in continuity. My e-mail address hasn’t changed in many years. If someone were to GIVE me a brand new top-of-the-line apple would I play with it? Sure why not.

If I had one at work would I use it? Sure that’s the way work, works so to speak.I was talking to our designer last night watching the snow. He has a brand new top flite apple and was using illustrator. I like watching the guy work because he is very fast and creative as well. I asked him if he stays away from the computer when he goes home at night after using it all day. He said “you can’t escape technology man”. He on lives on Capitol Hill in an apartment and has no, TV, or ipod or any sech accoutrements. He does have a laptop which runs windows and he plays games and occasionally watches a movie on it, he has no home internet connection.

I asked him about the apple deal before and he just said “hey it’s what they bought”. He seemed to think they bought apple just because they already had apple software for it. It is the only apple in the place. While he was using illustrator I said “Christ that looks just like Photoshop”. He said it is basically the same thing they just dumbed it down to run on apple JAnother reason I have never been hot for apple is it is a proprietary thing. Microsoft makes software that runs on a variety of devices, but apple makes the whole shitterey. They remind me of companies like e-machine where if you want to open the box and chisel in a new video card you are screwed you have to use their junk. They have traditionally always wanted the whole pie, the CPU’s and all the hardware. The original Mac’s had the CRT and everything all in one box which makes upgrades and changes pretty tough. Apple used to sue people all the time if they copied their designs.It reminds a person of Sony Beta-Max or Polaroid.

They both really missed the boat by being greedy, stingy fucks and apple almost did too. They almost went under in what, 97? One reason they didn’t is they got some “partnership” money from Microsoft. If you really think about it I bet it is actually in Microsoft’s best interest they stay afloat to avoid more anti-trust heat. Anyway apple has just been a cluster fuck through the years. Now they LOVE Jobs, before they kicked him out of the company.Can you remember back when he was pushing NEXT? GAWD I guess that software is like Microsoft’s ME, the worst product they ever made.When these discussions come up people always assume, wrongly, that Windows computers are the first I have owned they would be wrong. The first was a Commodore. I did play around with something they were trying to call a “computer” at Edmonds CC, which used punchcards. After Commodore I bought a Tandy which had its own OS if you want to call it that. I needed a word processor and it did do that and I had a couple games and limped along with it. It was a damn site better than a typewriter.For a couple years I didn’t have a computer and when I finally re-upped it was Windows 95. All the things they had promised us for years were finally coming true. I use mine now for work, home and school. I shop on it, communicate, and all manner of things like photography. It is damn handy and I use it all the time and never once in my life have I needed or wanted an apple.

I do think PC’s are a little harder to maintain. MACs are more for the type of people that just want to put gas in their car and drive it and never have to know how it actually works. I have heard it said that PC owners are the type that are more likely to rip the side off their machine and tear into it and I agree with that analogy. More women like MACs.But my little friend didn’t say today that apple is changing its name and taking the “computer” off. He also thought it was good news that they were making it so you could dual boot into OSX or Windows. They are making MAC’s now with INTEL processors and most people who use MAC’s use Microsoft Office for MAC’s . Seems funny to me, damn funny to bitch about Microsoft then use their products.Face it folks apple has hung its hat on the ipod and iphone and similar products.

Face it applelites you lost the computer software war sometime back and no one cares about apple hardware. Go ahead and start screaming into the wind about how the iphone is god’s gift to the technorati. Buy your $599 iphone I will limp along with my free phone that works great and has a better camera, text messaging, internet and more.


Here's a note from my illiterate brother!

"one is shareaz and k light pro and bite download i candownloa and copy any thing muic or videos and make disk of them iven games for playstashion sory this thing is skiping leters because im downloadng movies rite now well bye for now o it snowed 5 nches here last night and still snowing hard"

Having Enough

On the way to work today I wasn’t in the best of moods, I really didn’t want to get up, and it seemed dreary and uninviting outside in the big grey world. But I dutifully went and on the way started listening to a new audio book.I usually like mysteries but when I had gone to the used bookstore in town this weekend there wasn’t much. I was leaving with pursed lips when the owner said “hey Ed, the wife and I were listening to something lately and you might like it”.

I asked what it was called and he allowed as he didn’t know. “I try and drive the car and she is in charge or taking in and out and re-winding and all of that.”So it was called “Havana”. I immediately thought of that Robert Redford movie a few years back that never did anything. You can’t go by that though. Sometimes a book will have the same title as a movie with no relation. I read a book called “Lost in Translation”, by Nicole Menes and it had nothing to do with the Bill Murray movie, although I liked them both.It starts out in Cuba and they are talking of assassinating Fidel. Then it switches to Siberia and some prisoners there.

One prisoner named 4715 is playing another guy cards. The pot is a cockroach. They are starving and the cockroach is protein, he makes a very big deal about eating it, even going so far as giving a speech, none to the pleasure of his bunkmates.He is then called into the office or whatever and allowed a hot shower to clean up for a visit. His describing of the shower and soap, something he had been without for months, or maybe years, was very funny. It put me in a good mood just thinking about someone so hard up a cockroach and a shower made them feel happiness, in the first time, in a long time.

I smiled while driving in.For some reason, just now, I was thinking of when I first left home. My parents had wanted to charge me room and board. I was going to school, and working a job, but that wasn’t enough I guess. They threw out a figure of $125.00 a month! I laughed at them. Why on earth would I pay THAT, I asked, when I have no privacy here?I started looking in old Everett, in large old houses by the water, on the hill above the paper plants. Many had been turned into rooming houses and were cheap. I looked and looked. Finally I moved in with my girlfriend.

We had nothing.When I moved out I had assumed my bedroom furniture was mine. My parents however, had other ideas. They said they had paid for it and tried to sell it to me if I remember right. I told them by no means, they should keep it, and treasure it.

My girl did better, her parents let her have her single wide bed, tiny dresser and maybe a night stand. That was it, all we had.Amazingly, we rented a two bedroom apartment in Lynnwood with hardwood floors, a deck, and a fireplace for $150.00 a month. I remember sitting on the shag carpeting together, sitting with our rumps flat on the floor not a stick of furniture in sight. We looked into each others eyes and laughed, a silly, childish, game-playing, mirthful laugh.

We were playing the game called “grown-ups” and so far we were losing. But we had each other and that was enough.


Recently, a friend of mine posted some comments on his blog about police being revenue collectors and how he was bent out of shape about it. I responded in the comments section and not only was he ENRAGED but he even ran and got his wife to tail gun me on the turn-about.

That was fine and good with me, but then he just kept going ON and ON about it. I even called him today and he was still in a finely-honed fury that I should question his judgment on his missive.So I have asked him, why do you have a blog? Is it just a family album? He has even titled his blog “the ranting loon”, which would indicate he is ranting and raving, and he is crazy, would it not?

Wikipedia says: A blog is a user-generated website where entries are made in journal style and displayed in a reverse chronological order.Blogs often provide commentary or news on a particular subject, such as food, politics, or local news; some function as more personal online diaries. A typical blog combines text, images, and links to other blogs, web pages, and other media related to its topic.

The ability for readers to leave comments in an interactive format is an important part of most early blogs.Ah well, what do I know? I thought the idea was to get some lively comment and public discourse!I told him “hey if it bothers you that much then go ahead and erase it”!

It was the most interesting thing ON the blog! HAHA!! He did……

WIndows to the Mind

Well religion is an interesting thing; it is a type of window into the human mind. Where ever you go they seem to have some kind of religion to explain the unexplainable. I suppose in some ways it saves time. When a kid asks where did the world come from? Where do we go when we die? You can just trot out the standard line.

The Arabs have reason to be pissed at us really, we continually go over there, where we have no business, and try and control them, and oh yes, kill them. Things were more or less fine until the crusades and the West started that…not them. Although many people think it was just to get Jerusalem into Christian hands again it was mainly about looting and pillaging and making a buck. One thing I enjoy is medieval history. Did you know that one of the big deals during the Crusades was finding Christian artifacts? Things like a piece of the cross, or Jesus’ shroud or maybe the lance that pierced Jesus’ side? These things would be put into the local cathedral in town and then the faithful would go on a pilgrimage throughout Europe to see them, touch them, pray over them, and get just a little closer to baby Jesus. It is funny in a way that even back then the local nobles were trying to boost tourism. What better way to do that then sack Jerusalem again?

Of course if Iraq had no oil we wouldn’t be there now. Cheney and all that lot don’t care two whits about “Regime change” and human rights and all that rot. Iraq was never any threat to us and I wrote about that before we invaded. Iraq and the world in general is a more dangerous place by far, now, than before we invaded….ah well.

The thing about religion that I find fascinating is when there is proof that the particular beliefs are bullshit, the people still believe. They discount the evidence and still go along. The Mormon religion is a perfect example of this. They have a written history from the start. The Mormon Church has been involved with all kinds of shady dealings, even recently. The Mormons are the only large group that for years has condoned sexual abuse of youngsters (other than the Catholic church of course), even Brigham Young “married” 14 year old twins that he was legal “guardian” for. When my little door-to-door friends come around I discuss this with them. The previous two came by several times; they even mowed my lawn at one point. The last two though got mad at me. They kept telling me to “pray about it” to find the truth about their religion. I told them to “read” to find the truth. As they went down my driveway they were yelling PRAY! I yelled back READ!!! HAHA!!

People always say that a religion or belief in a religious system has to be based on faith. I frankly don’t buy that. To me faith is something that is earned, not something that is drilled into your young head by rote, or something that is simply accepted as the belief-du-jour. Nor should faith circumvent troublesome things like facts. But it does, each and every day. I can honestly say with no hesitation the world in general is a far worse place with religion, than without it.

John Lennon’s song is very easy to imagine.The only religious practices that are worth the powder and shot to blow them to hell are those that do some good, measurable good, right here and now. Things like meditation for instance provide benefits. Beliefs that living a good life will bring good back to you are helpful. The concept of Karma is helpful. The concepts where you can live your life as a total ass and at the last possible second accept Jesus and go to heaven, those kinds of beliefs, are either harmful or at best useless. Beliefs where if you badmouth the church you should be killed or tortured are not helpful to the human condition. Regardless of what some Muslims will say if you are labeled a heretic or disagree with their teachings you are okey-dokey to kill. I have read the teachings of Muhammad and the Quran I know what they say. Both the Quran and the Bible are books of violence and intolerance.

When you look around the world and find religious violence, almost always Christianity or Islam are involved, many times both. I have to wonder….if neither of these two religions had ever existed would we be better off? Or worse off? I have to say the world would be better off without them.