I guess this is the heart of propaganda in politics and government. They say the winners of wars write history and the winners of wars seem never to be responsible for atrocities do they? They also say they person with the most money, who can buy the most negative, half-lying, or all the way lying ads often wins in elections. There are some things though that are obviously untrue and they are repeated over and over again and it bothers me, because I was there and these truths just aren’t true.
I could easily go off on politics; about how Republicans act like they are against big, intrusive government, when they clearly are not, or how they act like they are fiscally conservative when in fact Reagan and little Bush have spent us into national bankruptcy more than any other politicians in the history of our country. Those two men, virtually by themselves, have put our country in financial ruin, all for nothing.
But let’s talk about something happy instead, like sports.
Did Ken Griffey Junior have anything whatsoever to do with baseball staying in Seattle? No.
Let’s face it people overplay the 95’ season here to the point of being ridiculous. The Mariners didn’t even play that well in their “refuse to lose” run, look at the stats. The only reason they backed into the playoffs is the Angels had a huge collapse. That is the fact jack!
When the stadium thing came up we voted it down. I voted against it along with a majority of King County voters. Why? Because I have priorities in my life, that’s why, and baseball isn’t one of them, (not close). I don’t need to subsidize a billionaire Japanese owner and millionaire players; they can pay their own way. Why what happened? Who saved the day? A guy I am not that proud of, Gary Locke. So how did Griffey impact this? He didn’t
Locke didn’t care about the voters in King County, he had decided already to run for Governor of Washington. He easily beat the nutcase Ellen Crasswell, he couldn’t have custom ordered a bigger patsy. So if you want to lionize someone for Safeco Field it is your new commerce secretary Gary Locke.
Hey I am glad Griffey is back as long as he can accept being treated as one of the players and not have a big head and a selfish desire to be treated different like he always did before. If he wants to help out the team anyway he can and DH, welcome home Ken. I wish the Mariners the best of luck this year with a new team, manager and GM. I hope they kick some butt in the house that Gary Locke built.
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